Livelihoods ... creating new futures - Mary MacKillop Today

Livelihoods … creating new futures

keyrings-email-newsletter-compressIn Peru, less than 60% of women are active in the workforce, with those in remote and rural communities further disadvantaged by a lack of education and limited opportunities to earn a living. MMI partners with and supports a number of associations to provide regular skills development and livelihoods through the production of Fair Trade products that are made available for sale in Australia through our social enterprise entity, ethica.

Ethica has recently partnered with a new organisation called Mantay, a social project that gives teenage mothers the confidence and support they need to be mums, so they can keep their babies that are at-risk and be part of a healthy environment that guides and trains them, so that they and their children reach autonomy.

When the young mothers turn 18, they learn to make leather goods, which allows them to earn a fair income and have a better future.

You can easily support these young mums, by visiting our website to view the range of high quality leather shoulder bags, clutches and keyrings now available. It really doesn’t take much to make a real difference in our world, with one keyring alone feeding a baby for three days!