Workplace Giving - Mary MacKillop Today

Workplace Giving

It’s easy for anyone wanting to support Mary MacKillop Today through workplace giving to do so with Good2Give. Good2Give is a user friendly online platform that allows donations to be made to charities from your salary.

The benefits of Workplace Giving:

  • You can choose how often you’d like to donate with regular ongoing support of Mary MacKillop Today or making a one-off donation for special events or special time of the year i.e.; Christmas.
  • As an employee you are able to donate to Mary MacKillop Today pre-tax.
  • Your donation is an automatic deduction, making tax-time easier and you don’t have to keep your receipts.
  • Your employer can choose to match your donation, demonstrating good corporate citizenship and helping create a cultural giving and positive working environment.
  • It’s the easiest way for you or your employer stay connected to Mary MacKillop Today.
  • There’s almost no administration costs to Mary MacKillop Today,  making it very cost effective.

What you need to do:

  1. Check whether your employer is already registered with Good2Give.
  2. Set up your individual profile by going to the Good2Give website.
  3. Search for Mary MacKillop Today and select Mary MacKillop Today as being your chosen charity for your donations.
  4. Spread the news via social media, letting others know how easy it is to support Mary MacKillop Today through Workplace Giving.

Visit Good2Give today.


For any queries on setting up a Workplace Giving Program at your workplace, or for more information on the work of Mary MacKillop Today, please contact our office on 02 8912 2777 or email: [email protected]