Linda is a motivated, focused and driven individual. As a mother of six and proud grandmother of one, she works tirelessly to inspire, educate and encourage her children to study hard by setting a good example. Born in Rockhampton, Linda lived and travelled all over Queensland before settling in Western Australia, where she’s grateful to have been accepted into the Whadjuk Noongar community, a community she wishes to give back to after she finishes her studies.
As a recipient of a Mary MacKillop Today’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Scholarship, Linda, studying Medicine and Surgery, aims to have a successful career helping to improve Aboriginal health and life expectancy when she graduates. She is determined, with her acute understanding of Aboriginal culture and family structures, to make a difference in peoples lives by educating them about their health and treatment options and by providing culturally appropriate health care services, education and advice.
Thanks to you, with a Mary MacKillop Today Scholarship, Linda has the financial security to work towards her dreams without the worry as a mature aged student and as a mother and grandmother, of incurring huge financial debt.
“Mary MacKillop Today has provided financial peace of mind to continue on with my studies. The scholarship eases the financial struggle of trying to pay bills, buy resources,feed and support my family whilst studying and maintaining good grades… I would like to say ‘Thank You’ to all Mary MacKillop Today supporters and sponsors, I am very grateful that there are individuals, organisations and corporations who are able to assist and encourage Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to achieve their education goals and dreams by supporting programs such as Mary MacKillop Today.”
–Linda, Mary MacKillop Today Scholar
Read more about our Mary MacKillop Today Scholarships by clicking here.
Our applications for Scholarships are now open – click here for more details!